Turning Trials into Triumphs 

Inspired by Coffee
A year from now you may wish you had started today!
We are a team of health-conscious people brought together by circumstance.  Each of us on our own journey of discovery, searching for solutions to the complex issues of modern-day life.  

Some of us were diagnosed with life-threatening or chronic diseases, and others were on a deep dive learning to care for others.  A few were just looking to improve, but ultimately our paths led us to the same spot, a happier and healthier place than our start.

Multiple cancers, heart surgeries, diabetes, low energy, mood swings, depression, unwanted weight gain and sleepless nights dominated our lives before we found relief.  As we built relationships and shared our stories, exploring together, we uncovered simple solutions for a happier, healthier life. 

 Are you looking for solutions too? How about more energy with less stress and better sleep? Want to fight inflammation and increase immunity?  Want to rid toxins from your home for loved ones and pets? Then look around to learn more and click below to get some free information!

Work With Lori!

Ready to make your health goals a reality?

Let's hop on a call to see how my holistic approach to coaching can help you uncover simple solutions for a happier and healthier life!

Lori Roberts is an integrative health & life coach specializing in hormones. She teaches a proven framework that allows women to rediscover life balance & joy again after a serious health crisis. 

As a stroke and thyroid cancer survivor, she has struggled in her own journey, but she now lives a happy, healthy life in NC, where she helps women living without a thyroid overcome exhaustion and fatigue to increase energy, reduce sress and create joy in their life again.

Lori also holds Aroma Freedom classes for improved wellbeing.

 Hello! I'm Lori and this is my story . . .

For years I struggled with hormonal imbalances from medically induced menopause.  Then I had a more health issues, a stroke and a thyroidectomy. To say I felt like I was living on a hormonal roller coaster was an understatement!

On my search for relief, I discovered the solution that finally allowed me to get my life back. Now, I feel more in control, with improved clarity and better immunity. I've said goodbye to those sleepless nights and I'm helping women find joy again!

Are you are looking for more energy, less stress and better sleep? Ready to learn how you too can live a happy, healthier life? Click below to contact me!

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